Some items that can be harder for movers to move.
When it comes to moving there are simply a few things that are harder than others. Some might say that the heavier the item, the harder it will be and while there is unquestionably some truth to this, the facts go beyond this and address awkward objects that may be hard to navigate through doors, tight hallways, staircases, and elevators. Here are a few examples of objects that are considerably more troublesome to bring from one spot to another:
1. Household Appliances
This is an obvious one. Whether we’re speaking about something like a fridge, an oven, or a dishwasher, there’s a wealth of appliances that just make moving a little tougher than it might otherwise be. These are the sort of things that you’ll want to handle carefully — both for your safety and for the safety of the object in question. Plan accordingly and ensure that you have the right people with you to make sure the appliance is appropriately disconnected and won’t damage your home when you’re moving it. There’s nothing quite as heart-wrenching than when you think you’re sliding your oven across the floor only to find that it has left large gashes in its trail.
2. Vintage and Antique Furniture
It may go without saying, but there is an important discussion to be had when it comes to moving anything that is older and, potentially, more brittle than modern household features would otherwise possess. Consider how you are planning to secure these important pieces of your household and, whenever possible, test it out to make sure that you are comfortable with the packing or moving state of the item. Whether we’re talking about grandfather clocks or pianos, there’s always a way to make a move easier for you and those helping you.
3. Instruments and Heirlooms
Instruments are definitely one element that deserves their own category beyond simply the vintage and the antique. These often-heavy items will need extra care and consideration when they are moved. This is to ensure that they are not placed in areas where a heavier item may crush them or otherwise damage a component that makes them unusable. Plan accordingly and review practices online or with friends that have been successful in the past. Diligence, patience, and planning are important to make sure you get everything into your new home without complications.
4. Workout and Sports Equipment
Similar in the vein as instruments, both workout and sports equipment can be problematic because things like weights may want to roll away from wherever they’ve been placed if they are not packed properly. Similarly, large-scale workout equipment can be complicated depending on the brand and the size. Hired movers are recommended as they will have the tools to make the process simple and the knowledge to place them safely.
5. Items that are alive such as plants and pets
Whether you’re focusing on that bamboo sprout that you’ve been caring for over the month, a cat, dog, or plants that have become as much a part of your home as the furniture, it’s important to have your thoughts collected on how these are to be moved. Do you separate them from the rest of your moving items? Do you pack them into temporary boxes? Do you even have an animal transportation cage that will work given how long the move may be? Ask yourself these questions and remain diligent.
Work with professionals that understand the importance of forward-planning and allow the team at TransCanada Movers to get you from home to home with ease!